Strategic internationalization Plan, Procedures and Work Instruction Manual (PAWIM), and Forms are now BOR Approved 

    The Office of International Affairs and Linkages , being a newly established office of Mindanao State University at Naawan, in its mission to become a prime mover in advocating cross-cultural  understanding and international education towards transformative global learning opportunities , diversity, and inclusivity, finally had its Strategic Internationalization Plan (SIP), Procedures and Work Instruction Manual (PAWIM), and Forms approved by the Board of Regents on March 6, 2023.

Strategic Internationalization Plan (SIP) contains the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats  of internationalization of MSU-Naawan, as well as the aspirations and objectives of different programs of the university, and a 5 Year Internationalization Roadmap. Process flows and instructions as well as personal and evaluation forms are available in PAWIM for students and faculty who desire to participate in exchange programs. Since MSU-Naawan's internationalization is still in its early stages and still needs a lot of work, this approval is crucial for the foundation of the Office of the International Affairs and Linkages.

    The long months of laborious efforts of the Director and the staff have finally paid off. The office is now aiming to continue on executing its plans in making the university gain more foreign academic and research connections that can strengthen linkages towards internationalization.