IFS 2024 Committee meeting and ASEAN-FEN Institutional Members Meeting

The Faculty of Fisheries Sciences at Hokkaido University  hosted a significant meeting, representatives from esteemed institutions across Southeast Asia, including Mindanao State University at Naawan (MSUN), UP Visayas, and MSU TCTO from the Philippines, as well as counterparts from Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand, gathered to discuss the upcoming International Fisheries Symposium (IFS) scheduled for Hakodate in November 2024.

The meeting was a success, with productive discussions covering various aspects of the symposium. Planning for IFS 2024 took center stage, with topics ranging from logistics and venue arrangements to accommodations and paper presentations.

One key focus was the active involvement of ASEAN-FEN member institutions in ensuring their participation in IFS 2024. Attendees worked together to guarantee strong representation and valuable contributions from across the ASEAN region, promoting knowledge exchange and scholarly discourse.

With excitement and optimism, representatives from the MSUN, led by Chancellor Dr. Elnor C. Roa, Vice Chancellor Prof. Renoir Marino A. Abrea, Director Dr. Rey Y. Capangpangan, and OVCRE Secretary Dr. Anabelle A. Espadero, expressed their appreciation for the fruitful discussions that transpired during the meeting. Recognizing the significance of collaboration and growth opportunities in fisheries research, the MSUN delegation enthusiastically embraced the prospects for future endeavors.

As the meeting wrapped up, participants were optimistic about the future, united in their commitment to advancing fisheries science and fostering regional collaboration. With plans in place and enthusiasm building, anticipation is high for the upcoming International Fisheries Symposium. It's expected to drive innovation and facilitate knowledge exchange specifically within the field of fisheries sciences.